After-Death Communication
Discover Unique Skills to Continue Your Connection with Your Deceased Loved Ones
A 7-Step Recorded Online Course

with Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
Occupational Therapist, Reiki Master, International Speaker,
Award-Winning Author of Change Maker, How My Brother's Death Woke Up My Life
Get notified when the recording is available.
Discover a proven 7-step process for enabling extraordinary experiences with your deceased loved ones to enhance healing, relieve grief, and provide peace.

Imagine…your deceased loved one is still alive and wants to communicate with you.
You may find it hard to believe that you can receive messages from your loved one who has passed beyond this lifetime.
You may wonder if you are making up the belief that you can communicate with your deceased just because you miss him or her so very much.
Our modern, scientific culture has taught us that communication with people after death is nonsense and part of old ritual tales.
I want you to know that the afterlife is indeed real.
Millions of people have experienced after-death communication. Scientists and researchers have now validated that our consciousness is separate from our brain.
You absolutely can receive messages and send love to those living beyond the veil even if you have never communicated this way before.
I have developed a proven way to experience after-death communication with your deceased loved ones.
Discover the 7-steps to maintaining a continued connection with your loved ones living in the afterlife.
Unleash your desire to share your life with those living beyond our earthly existence.
Receive the peace and joyful acceptance that occurs when you discover that after-death communication is a reality.
Your perceptions of life on earth will grow and expand to include those living in the afterlife.
In this 7-Step Recorded Online Training, you will learn how to receive messages and share communication with your deceased loved ones.
Receive tools that broaden your awareness about accessing the afterlife in meaningful ways. The ability to maintain a permanent connection with our loved ones living beyond becomes real.
I invite you to join me in opening your capacity to communicate with your deceased loved ones . . . where after-death communication becomes a reality instead of wishful thinking.
According to post-course surveys sent to all attendees of the live versions of this recorded After-Death Communication course, 100% believe they can receive and share contact with their deceased loved ones.
My Personal Journey

When my brother David died at age 37, I could find nothing positive about his passing.
His death made no sense to me.
Six weeks after he died, I was riding my horse through a Christmas tree farm, and that day I received the best present of my life.
It was the morning after our first frost of the year. Icicles were hanging from the trees, and rainbows were sparkling in the bright golden sun.
I opened my heart just a little bit since, for six weeks, it had been closed tight, and I could feel nothing but grief.
That morning, I said, "Thank you universe for a beautiful day."
I closed my eyes, and there was my brother.
He was standing on a bright green grassy hill in human form, wearing a black and red plaid flannel shirt, dungarees, and sandals.
I started to talk with him and realized I could just share thought.
I had never seen or heard anything like this before. I had no psychic or spiritual skills at that time. My brother was healthy and in no pain. I was ecstatic.
The scene was luminescent.
I looked to the right, and there were my grandparents, two close friends, and about two dozen additional people all who lived in the afterlife.
It was the first time I believed life was eternal.
I searched for a teacher and found a shaman. I learned how to continue communicating with my brother and hundreds of deceased people.
I'm a science-based Occupational Therapist and business owner entrepreneur. I kept my afterlife experiences quiet and questioned my sanity multiple times.
Yet my continuing journey with the life beyond felt right.
For 20 years, I studied after-death communication, meditation, shamanism, and became a Reiki Master. I learned automatic writing, sound healing, explored crystal energy, and past life regression while increasing my after-death communication skills.
In 2015 I sold my large rehabilitation practice specifically to share my journey with the afterlife. My book Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life won five national book awards.
I began teaching people my proven techniques that enable after-death communication and recognition of signs and symbols from our deceased loved ones.
I receive enormous satisfaction teaching people how to transform grief into heart-centered contact that brings peace, healing, LOVE, and joy.
I am excited to share my after-death communication methods with you!
What People Are Saying about Rebecca’s After-Death Communication Training . . .
~ Patti Copps Everly,
Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Compliance


Session 1: The Afterlife – Communicating with Those Beyond
In this first session, we explore multiple afterlife experiences with deceased loved ones that validate the eternity of life. You will receive a new understanding of sending and receiving afterlife messages even without psychic or spiritual awareness.
You discover:
- Proven ways to prepare for afterlife communication.
- Several practices to relax your mind in order to receive afterlife messages.
- Opportunities to transform your grief into a communication path with loved ones that have passed beyond.
- Skills that assist you to receive and send afterlife messages.

Session 2: Time for YOU: Releasing Grief to Allow After-Death Contact
In this session, we consider the benefits of taking time for ourselves while creating a peaceful location to honor our deceased loved ones. We explore the connectedness of all life whether we reside on earth or in the afterlife.
You discover:
- How to create a sacred place of remembrance in your home.
- Techniques to help transform your grief by allowing time for you.
- Ways to understand how eternal life is validated by millions of people who have Near Death Experiences (NDE), Spiritual Transformative Experiences (STE), and Shared Death Experiences (SDE).
- How to enhance after-death communication through a guided meditation that helps you release your grief and empowers your soul.

Session 3: Nature’s Cure: Opening to the Healing Power of Wild Places
In this session, you explore how nature’s healing energy can help the growth of your inner soul. Learn to mindfully explore your natural environment to reduce stress, relieve grief, and bring hope.
You discover:
The joys of ‘Forest Bathing’.
How nature enhances communication with your deceased loved ones.
The resources to find local labyrinths to gain soul clarity and insight.
How being present in the moment enhances your connectedness to all life.
The healing that occurs during a guided meditation through nature’s landscape.

Session 4: Afterlife Messages: Understanding Signs and Symbols from the Other Side
In our fourth session, you develop the skills to interpret signs and symbols from your deceased loved ones. You discover how to recognize if afterlife messages are authentic or “made up.”
You explore:
- How animals communicate afterlife messages.
- The meaning of specific numbers, electricity and songs that demonstrate afterlife contact.
- Ways to identify each person’s unique energy “stamp.”
- Traditional and ancient societies and religious views about after-death communication.
- A guided meditative experience to enhance identification of afterlife signs and symbols

Session 5: Communicating with the Beyond: Reaching Your Loved Ones in the Afterlife
In Session 5, you experience the joys of communicating with your loved ones on the other side. You learn how to ask for information, send messages, and when to expect a reply.
You discover:
- How to surround yourself with the white light of love during afterlife communication.
- Participate in a guided meditative journey enriched by sound healing to enhance contact with your deceased loved one.
- Communication differences between those that have passed after a long-term illness, sudden death, suicide, in childhood, or from aging.
- How dreams enable communication with your loved ones.

Session 6: Enhance After-Death Communication: Using Crystals and Reiki Energy to Deepen the Connection
In this session, you explore ways to expand your receptivity for afterlife contact. Crystals have strong vibrational energy that enhance inner growth. Reiki and other energy healing modalities help raise your vibrational abilities to connect with your deceased loved ones.
You discover:
- Crystals that stimulate afterlife communication and illuminate your soul.
- Intuitive abilities for including the crystal of LOVE into your daily existence.
- Biofield energy modalities like Reiki, Healing Touch, Tai Chi, Qigong, and Yoga that increase afterlife communication.
- How LOVE, the highest form of energetic contact connects us all, on earth and beyond.
- A guided meditation experience using crystal and Reiki energy to reach your loved ones in the afterlife.

Session 7: Integrate Afterlife Contact: Enjoying the Connections that Remain Forever
In this final session, you explore how to include afterlife contact as part of your daily existence. You fulfill your desire to communicate with your deceased loved ones. Joy transforms grief into LOVE that continues your relationship with your deceased loved ones forever.
You discover:
- How and why you can communicate with your deceased loved ones.
- Universal connectedness exists.
- Techniques to maintain an ongoing relationship with your loved ones in the afterlife.
- Realization that the afterlife is always accessible to you.
- Your personal guided meditative after-death communication journey.
Luminaries Speak About Rebecca Austill-Clausen. . .
~ Elizabeth Boisson,
President & Co-Founder, Helping Parents Heal

Adjunct Professor of Psychology and Psychology Child-Life
Founding Occupational Therapy Dpt. Chair – Retired, Northern Arizona University

It's More Than A Course. . .
It's a Community!
You'll be part of an inspired, heart-centered global learning community of individuals just like you. Discover how to maintain your relationship with your deceased loved ones while receiving ongoing confirmation that the afterlife is real.
Here's What You'll Receive:

7 recorded teaching sessions
7 experiential practices and reflective activities to deepen your understanding and integration of the course content
Extensive books & resource recommendations, and handouts for each session
Special Bonuses to enhance your course experience

Seven 60-Minute Course Sessions Facilitated by Rebecca Austill-Clausen
Each session will teach you, step-by-step, the practical methods to achieve successful after-death communication with your deceased loved ones. You will discover a shift in your awareness of life. Through these sessions, you will learn how to receive and share contact with your loved ones living in the afterlife.

Seven Experiential Practices and Reflective Activities
Each session includes experiential activities to practice. Enhance your after-death communication abilities with proven methods that highlight your blossoming skills.

Books and Resource Recommendations for Each Session
Explore additional books and resources personally recommended by Rebecca for each of the 7 course sessions. Visit Rebecca’s online annotated boutique directly linked with Amazon for easy viewing and discovery.
. . .and much, much more
+ PLUS Exclusive Course Bonuses
Register for After-Death Communication with Rebecca Austill-Clausen and receive:

Special Bonus Training
Nicholas Pearson,
Renowned Crystal Expert
Crystal Energy: Master the Basics and Enhance After-Death Communication
60 minutes of training
Crystals and gemstones have intrigued humanity since the dawn of time. Terms like energy, frequency, and vibration often describe the mysterious influence that crystals have, but what does crystal energy really mean?
Join author and crystal healing expert Nicholas Pearson on a journey through the fundamentals of crystals for healing, personal development, and spiritual growth.
Explore how and why crystals get their energy. Uncover the five essential functions of crystals. By uniting the parallel worlds of science and spirituality, a complete view of how crystals work emerges.
Nicholas will dispel popular myths regarding crystal energy and demonstrate hands-on practices to support your crystal journey.
Crystals, just like humans, have a consciousness all their own. Thus, the best approach to working with crystals is one of partnership; learn how to work with crystals by tuning into their energy and co-creating the end result.
Attuning to the realm of crystal consciousness supports psychic development and after-death communication. Nicholas offer’s tips for hearing the voices of stone and translating their songs into practical information and advice.
Nicholas describes stones that enhance connection with your loved ones on the other side.
Learn how crystals can help you reach the state of consciousness required for after-death communication.

- Three stones that support after-death communication.
- Simple and effective methods to cleanse and program your crystals for optimum results.
- Crystal energy explored through the lens of science.
- The five essential crystal functions.
Guest Speaker Highlights
Nicholas Pearson is a healer and teacher for over two decades. He has been immersed in all aspects of crystals, from mineralogy to metaphysics, since childhood.
He is a Reiki Master of the Usui Reiki Ryoho lineage.
Nicholas is the award-winning author of six books, including Stones of the Goddess, Crystal Basics Pocket Encyclopedia, Crystals for Karmic Healing, and Foundations of Reiki Ryoho.
Nicholas offers classes on crystals, Reiki, and flower essence therapy. He lives in Orlando, Florida with his partner (and photographer extraordinaire), Steven.
Experience this extraordinary one of a kind session on using crystals to enhance after-death communication!

Special Bonus Presentation
Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll, M.D.
Beyond Death: One Physician’s Perspective
As a physician who has seen and communicated with deceased souls for decades, Dr. O’Driscoll refused to speak about his experiences for years. Only after he stopped seeing patients did he begin to share his experiences and publish his book, Not Yet: Near-Life Experiences & Lessons Learned.
Now, as an international speaker and intuitive mentor, Dr. O’Driscoll assists others as they step into their innately spiritual nature and their most authentic self. In his After-Death Communication presentation, Dr. O’Driscoll will normalize after-death communications and shared-death communications by sharing his own experiences and validating the experiences of attendees.
He also shares tools attendees can use to strengthen their own connections with loved ones beyond the veil.
During Dr. O'Driscoll's Presentation, You'll Learn How To:
Normalize after-death communications.
Normalize shared-death experiences.
Mitigate the supposed conflicts between science and spirit.
Share one physician’s perspective on Reiki.

Special Bonus Presentation
Paula Lenz
Into Infinity with My Deceased Brother: Being the Oneness
Paula shares her true story of how in 1983, a recurring dream proved to be a precognitive warning. The sudden, shocking loss of her brother Don that same year would come close to destroying her. However, Paula did not realize Don’s death would result in amazing occurrences and outreach from him for the rest of her life. Three days after Don’s funeral, Paula had an out-of-body experience with her brother’s spirit while driving. The result was a visit to “Infinity,” a change in her consciousness, and an understanding of Oneness.
Dr. Janice Holden, Ed.D, President of the International Association for Near-Death Studies states that Paula’s experience has aftereffects of an After-Death Communication (ADC), Shared Death Experience (SDE), and a Near-Death Experience (NDE). Paula’s experiences are unusual in that she left her body while driving her brother’s personal truck!
You’ll Receive:
- Insight into “death” for those who have lost loved ones, particularly when they have died suddenly or tragically.
- Awareness of the moment Paula’s contact and out-of-body experience with her deceased brother Don happened while she was driving.
- Understanding how Paula’s direct experience with Spirit/Oneness occurred while being in Infinity.
- Recognition of Paula’s changed consciousness, resulting in numerous after-effects from her experience in Infinity, such as visions and increased intuitive abilities.
- The Meld Into Spirit Technique (MIST) to facilitate you Being The Oneness

Seven guided video meditation journeys to enhance your soul communication with the afterlife. These custom meditations are designed to coincide with each of Rebecca’s 7 steps for After-Death Communication success.
Get on the Waitlist for the upcoming 7-Step Recorded After-Death Communication CourseMEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR
Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA
Occupational Therapist, Reiki Master, International Speaker, and Award-Winning Author

Rebecca Austill-Clausen has explored after-death communication for over 25 years. She had a Spiritual Transformative Experience when she discovered the ability to communicate with her deceased 37-year-old brother in 1995, even though she had no psychic or spiritual awareness.
Rebecca is a Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association and the award-winning author of the book Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life. Her Reiki Master skills are highlighted in the movie From Life to Afterlife - The Healers.
She is the first person to teach Reiki, a natural healing modality at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and the International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference. Reiki enhances after-death communication. All Rebecca’s Reiki Immersion Online one day, weekend, certificate-provided classes are approved by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy for 6.0 contact hours each.
Rebecca is also the first to receive New Jersey State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners continuing education approval for her Reiki courses. Rebeca teaches Reiki at multiple universities and holistic centers nationwide. She has been the Healing Coordinator for the International Association for Near-Death Studies since 2019.
Reiki facilitates after-death communication and enhances self-healing.
Rebecca’s after-death communication courses have been presented at Lily Dale Assembly, the International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference and multiple state chapters, the national Helping Parents Heal organization, the Compassionate Friends Annual Conference and state chapters, and holistic and metaphysical programs worldwide.
Becky, who volunteered with hospice for multiple years, is passionate about the healing benefits received from sharing communication with our deceased loved ones.
Her practical down-to-earth strategies and proven techniques filled with LOVE enable anyone to communicate with loved ones who have passed beyond the veil.
More From People Who Have Experienced Rebecca's Trainings

The course content is very comprehensive. It’s far more than the “how-to” experience I expected. While I was always in contact with my son, who passed nearly three years ago, I doubted my abilities. This course taught me to “go deeper” and learn more. I grasped the thrilling truth that ALL is possible. Love really is jet fuel!
~ Kate Rogers
Mother, Writer, Artist, Spiritual Seeker, and Beacon for the Net of Light organization
Grief Guide, Life Coach, eBusiness Expert, Author, Grief 2 Growth

The inviting nature of Becky’s training wraps participants in a warm, nurturing space. This course will benefit those working through their grief and anyone wanting to enhance their psychic sensitivity or open to unseen spiritual treasures, easily found all around us. Becky is a peach. Warm and fuzzy and super sweet!
~ Donna DeNomme,
Master Success coach and award-winning author of As You Feel, So You Heal: A Write of Passage
Rebecca is an excellent speaker, coach, and teacher of after-death communication. She provides exquisite research and years of personal experience. Rebecca has a way of bringing the student firmly into believing their own abilities. She provides heart-felt compassion during her training sessions.
~ Rose O’Connor,
Reiki Master specializing in Animal Reiki, Author of Footpaths