Baker College of Auburn, MI:
Wednesday, December 2, 2020 2:00 PM EST
Spirituality, Reiki, and Using Complementary Modalities in OT

Location: Online Baker College, MI
Integrative Health Class, Baker College, MI, Associate Professor Jen Vogtmann, OTD, OTR/L
I am honored to be asked to present the role, history, and components of spirituality in Occupational Therapy for Dr. Jen Vogtmann’s Integrative Health class. Students are challenged to identify their own belief system while empowering their clients to choose meaningful occupational behavior. Ethical and cultural components of spirituality are provided.
AOTA’s historical inclusion of complementary modalities into occupation based practice has evolved since its original approval in 2005. The use of complementary modalities within OT practice is highlighted. Clinical practice examples concentrating on the use of Reiki, a complementary health biofield energy modality are presented.
Experiential practices will be included in this LIVE one hour online course.
Gwynedd Mercy University:
Thursday, December 3, 2020 2:15 PM EST
Spirituality, Reiki, and the Use of Complementary Modalities in OT
Location: Gwynedd Mercy University Online, Instructor Michele Peterson, MS, OTR/L
Gwynedd Mercy OT Department

I am delighted to present the role, history, and components of spirituality in OT. Students are challenged to identify their own belief system while empowering their clients to choose meaningful occupational behavior. Ethical and cultural components of spirituality are provided.
AOTA’s historical inclusion of complementary modalities into occupation based practice has evolved since its original approval in 2005. The use of complementary modalities within OT practice is highlighted. Clinical practice examples concentrating on the use of Reiki, a complementary health biofield energy modality are presented.
Duquesne University Student OT Association
Monday, November 9, 2020 4:00 PM EST
Let Your Heart Sing with OT!

Location: Duquesne University Online Student OT Association
I am delighted to speak with the Duquesne University Student OT Association. Multiple areas will be covered with lots of discussion and questions and answers provided.
Topics will include the use of integrative health and complementary modalities in OT concentrating on Reiki – a biofield energy modality. I’ll enjoy discussing how I found the courage to share my discovery that I could communicate with my deceased brother while working as a science-based Occupational Therapist in my large private practice as described in my award-winning book: Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life. Practical suggestions for following ones heart in the marvelous field of OT will be shared.
A guided mediation experience will be provided for all attendees.
International Spiritual Book Club
Sunday, November 1, 2020 12:00 PM EST
Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life
Location: Online - Members Only Book Club
I am delighted to have my award-winning book: “Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life” chosen as the November book selection of the month.
Change Maker describes my discovery that I could communicate with my 37 year old brother who died in 1995, even though I initially had no psychic or spiritual abilities. I frequently questioned my sanity through months of spiritual exploration yet learned that the afterlife is real and accessible. Each chapter of Change Maker includes an “Illumination” – guidance, suggestions, encouragement, and inspiration for readers who wish to purse their own spiritual journey.
I look forward to our discussion and answering questions about my experiences, book publishing, and additional resources to facilitate after-death communication and inner explorations.

New Jersey OT Association Virtual State Conference:
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 5:00 PM EDT
Overcoming Chaos: Staying Positive in A World of Dis-Ease

Location: Virtual Conference (5:00 - 6:30 pm EST)
I am delighted to provide this feel-good presentation for the 2020 NJOTA Virtual State Conference. We are in the midst of a massive transition and transformation. Discover skills to shift your energy and create ripples of hope. Explore how to change fear into compassion and love. Participate in meditative experiences that life your heart and brighten your world.
Receive multiple resources to guide your path through these topsy-turvy times. Use OT adaptability skills to move forward on this incredible journey of LOVE. Understand that you are not alone. We are all in this together.
ENCORE EVENT. FREE Online Webinar: The 3 Secrets to Communicating With Your Deceased Loved Ones
Saturday, October 10, 2020 2:00 PM EDT
Location: Online
Based on high demand for the original session, this 2nd encore event is scheduled!
I am so excited to present my free webinar teaching people how to continue contact with their deceased loved ones living in the afterlife.
I discovered the ability to communicate with my 37 year old brother David six weeks after he died in 1995 even though I had no psychic or spiritual awareness. Seeing my brother again along with my deceased grandparents and friends that had passed was the most profound moment of my life.
It took me 20 years to find the courage to share this story. Multiple times I thought I was losing my mind yet this experience felt right. It made sense to me. I quietly explored the afterlife, read hundreds of books, attended dozens of workshops, and became skilled at teaching after-death communication techniques.
Come join me as I share my thoughts and teach YOU that we do not die. We live forever. And, we can have a continuing relationship with our loved ones living beyond the veil.
Lots of time for questions and answers during this enlightening 90 minute presentation on the afterlife!
POTA Annual Conference: Using Reiki to Respond to the Opioid Epidemic
Thursday, October 8, 2020 9:00 AM EDT

Start date: October 8, 2020
End date: October 11, 2020
Online POTA Conference
I’m delighted to share how Reiki reduces pain, stress, and anxiety; all common symptoms of opioid addiction.
This poster session will present how providing Reiki to people addicted to opioids, combined with teaching individuals how to provide themselves with self-Reiki, can increase inner control while facilitating purposeful occupation-based behavior.
AOTA resources supporting the use of Reiki as part of occupation-based treatment since 2005 are provided.
The Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association State Conference will be held online from October 8-11 along with additional upcoming specialty programs.
FREE Online Webinar: The 3 Secrets to Communicating With Your Deceased Loved Ones
Location: Online
I am so excited to present my free webinar teaching people how to continue contact with their deceased loved ones living in the afterlife.
I discovered the ability to communicate with my 37 year old brother David six weeks after he died in 1995 even though I had no psychic or spiritual awareness. Seeing my brother again along with my deceased grandparents and friends that had passed was the most profound moment of my life.
It took me 20 years to find the courage to share this story. Multiple times I thought I was losing my mind yet this experience felt right. It made sense to me. I quietly explored the afterlife, read hundreds of books, attended dozens of workshops, and became skilled at teaching after-death communication techniques.
Come join me as I share my thoughts and teach YOU that we do not die. We live forever. And, we can have a continuing relationship with our loved ones living beyond the veil.
Lots of time for questions and answers during this enlightening 90 minute presentation on the afterlife!
Temple University: Spirituality, Reiki, and Using Complementary Modalities in Occupational Therapy
Location: Temple University, Department of OT, Health and Wellness Class
Temple University, Department of OT
I’m thrilled to present techniques to incorporate Spirituality, Reiki, and Complementary Modalities within Occupational Therapy at Temple University.
Multiple interactive experiences accentuate this program of educational discovery. Resources and supportive documents from the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) are provided. The recent Joint Commission mandate that effective January 1, 2018, all Joint Commission accredited hospitals must provide non-pharmacological options to reduce pain including the option of relaxation is discussed. AOTA’s inclusion of complementary modalities into Occupational Therapy since 2005 is presented and the current Occupational Therapy and Complementary Health Approaches and Integrative Health position paper is analyzed.
Numerous opportunities for discussion, questions and answers are provided throughout this morning online session.
IANDS Visiting Authors Book Club featuring Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life
IANDS Visiting Authors Book Club featuring Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life

IANDS Visiting Authors Book Club
I am delighted to have my award-winning book Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life featured as the September selection for the International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS) NEW Online Book Club called ISGO: IANDS Support Groups Online!
Discover how I learned to communicate with my deceased brother and multiple spiritual entities, even though I had no psychic or spiritual awareness. If I can experience after-death communication, so can you!
Come join me for a live interactive discussion, questions, and answers hosted by Sophia Trionfo. Feed your soul with wonder, enlightenment, and LOVE.
Change Maker is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and INDIE bookstores nationwide.
Helping Parents Heal organization: The Use of Reiki to Assist After-Death Communication to Help Parents Heal
The Use of Reiki to Assist After-Death Communication to Help Parents Heal
Location: Online - Helping Parents Heal members
I am delighted to return to the wonderful Helping Parents Heal organization to speak about how Reiki can enhance and facilitate after-death communication with our children and loved ones living in the afterlife.
I’ve been providing and teaching Reiki for 25 years years. Reiki raises our vibrational energy levels which helps our deceased loved ones reach us easier.
Profound experiences with the afterlife regularly occur when using Reiki to receive and share contact with our loved ones living beyond the veil.
The Impact of Intention Through the Use of Yoga
Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:00 PM EDT
POTA Namaste Holistic Support Group, September Meeting:
The Impact of Intention Through the Use of Yoga

Location: Online POTA Namaste
POTA Namaste, Sharing Occupational Support
I’m delighted to Co-Lead the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy NEW holistic support group called Namaste with Dr. Ann Stuart, Clinical Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy from Duquesne University.
We are delighted to welcome Kristina Toussaint, MS, OTR/L, RYT200 as our September guest speaker to present The Impact of Intention: Meaningful Purpose for Ourselves and Our Clients through the Use of Yoga.
Kristina will share simple yet powerful techniques to enhance intention-setting. She combines her novel approach using yoga to assist our intentional manifestations.
Namaste, Sharing Occupational Support offers monthly holistic online gatherings via Zoom on the third Thursday of each month from 7-8:30 pm EST. There are 1.5 contact hours awarded for attendees who remain throughout the entire session. Two meditative experiences occur during Namaste. Attendance is free for POTA members and cost $10.00/session for non-members with 100% of the proceeds going towards the PA OT Political Action Committee.
Registration is available at the POTA website homepage, lower right calendar listings: Namaste.
Mindful Play: A New Twist on an Old Idea
presented by Dr. Tamera Humbert for POTA Namaste
Date: August 20, 2020
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm EST
Location: Online POTA Namaste
POTA Namaste, Sharing Occupational Support
As co-leader of Namaste, along with Dr. Ann Stuart, Clinical Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy from Duquesne University, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Tamera Humbert, D.Ed, OTR/L as our August guest speaker to present “Mindful Play: A New Twist on an Old Idea” for the new OT holistic support group Namaste offered by the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association.
Our speaker Tam co-mingles play with mindfulness and relates current descriptions of play and leisure to Occupational Therapy practice. Through personal examples and narratives from others, Tam proposes ways to facilitate greater intuition into daily lives and challenges us to consider a new way of being.
Namaste, Sharing Occupational Support offers monthly holistic online gatherings on the third Thursday of each month from 7-8:30 pm. There are 1.5 contact hours provided for attendees who remain for the entire session. Attendance is free for POTA members and cost $10.00/session for non-members with 100% of the proceeds going towards the PA OT Political Action Committee.
Registration is available at the POTA website, homepage calendar listings: Namaste.
From Chaos to Healing: Spiritual Help During a Pandemic
Virtual presentation at the International Association of Near Death Studies Annual Conference
Date: August 16, 2020
Time: 12:00-12:50 pm EST
Location: International Association of Near Death Studies
I am thrilled to present how spiritual healing from Near Death Experiences and Similar Transformative Experiences can transcend the narratives of grief, serious illness, and fear. During this time of global dis-ease, we can apply comparable healing concepts to help navigate this challenging pandemic. Come experience the LOVE that encompasses our souls.
Enjoy the wealth of knowledge and insights you will gain from attending the 2020 IANDS Virtual Conference with the theme “Unlocking the Healing Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences” from August 14-16, 2020.
I am also delighted to be the moderator for the insightful session “Healing From Shared-Death Experiences & After-Death Communications” presented by Lisa Jones and Paula Lenz on Sunday, August 16 from 7:00-7:50 pm EST.
I hope to see you at this fabulous online LIVE conference!
After-Death Communication Techniques to Help Parents Heal
Date: August 12, 2020
Time: 8:00 - 9:30 pm EST
Location: Online - Helping Parents Heal members
I am honored to be speaking with the Helping Parents Heal online group. I share multiple experiences that validate life after death even though I initially had no psychic or spiritual experience when my brother David passed. Practical strategies to receive and send messages with our loved ones in the afterlife are described. Love predominates this training as the immense power of love to transcend all barriers is highlighted.
Techniques for Helping Parents Heal members receive the healing benefits that occur by maintaining contact with their child who has passed are provided. Time for discussion and questions and answers occurs during this 90 minute presentation. Additional resources and programs to continue expanding after-death communication skills are presented.
OT Educators and Practitioners as Healers presented by Dr. Michelle Bradshaw for POTA Namaste
Date: July 16, 2020
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST
Location: Online POTA Namaste
POTA Namaste, Sharing Occupational Support
As co-leader of Namaste, along with Dr. Ann Stuart, Clinical Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy from Duquesne University, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Michelle Bradshaw, DC, OTR/L as our first guest speaker to present “OT Educators and Practitioners as Healers” for the new OT holistic support group Namaste offered by the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association.
Our guest speaker Michelle explores many dimensions of healing in Occupational Therapy. Complementary health approaches to enhance health and wellness is presented. Self-care practices and harnessing inner knowledge is shared.
Namaste, Sharing Occupational Support offers monthly holistic online gatherings on the third Thursday of each month from 7-8:30 pm. There are 1.5 contact hours provided for attendees who remain for the entire session. Attendance is free for POTA members and cost $10.00/session for non-members with 100% of the proceeds going towards the PA OT Political Action Committee.
Registration is available at the POTA website, homepage calendar listings: Namaste.
Vision of Light: Overcoming Chaos, Staying Positive in a World of Dis-Ease
Date: June 28, 2020
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Online Vision of Light
Vision of Light Church of Spiritualism and Healing
I am honored to return to the Vision of Light Church of Spiritualism and Healing in Vermont to present “Overcoming Chaos, Staying Positive in a World of Dis-Ease.”
A positive way to look at our current COVID-19 production is presented during this online session. Inspiring examples of heroic actions and attributes are highlighted by multiple video’s and sound healing meditative experiences. Numerous concepts to facilitate our inner healing are provided. Discussion and questions and answers are encouraged during this community presentation.
Forest Bathing:
Connecting Your Soul with Nature presented to Namaste, POTA
Date: June 18, 2020
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST
Location: Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Namaste
POTA Namaste
I am thrilled to be the first speaker of the new Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy group: Namaste, Sharing Occupational Support.
Japanese physicians have begun writing prescriptions for forest bathing to relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and achieve a state of well-being. Discover how to connect with nature in a spiritual and mindful manner. Explore how trees communicate with each other. Relax and broaden your awareness about the cooperative interconnected web of forest life.
As co-leader of Namaste, along with Dr. Ann Stuart, Clinical Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy from Duquesne University, we are delighted to offer monthly holistic online gatherings on the third Thursday of each month from 7-8:30 pm. There are 1.5 contact hours provided for attendees who remain for the entire session. Attendance is free for POTA members and cost $10.00/session for non-members with 100% of the proceeds going towards the PA OT Political Action Committee.
Registration is available at the POTA website, homepage calendar listings: Namaste.
Schedule a Reiki Workshop
Contact Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA to make arrangements for a stimulating and engaging Reiki workshop!
Praise for Becky's Reiki Workshops

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