Reiki Level I Training
Wednesday August 30th, 2023
International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference
Alexandria, VA ( 5 minutes from Washington, DC )
I am delighted to return to the International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference to present Reiki, A Natural Energy Healing Modality that Enhances After-Death Communication.

During this certificate provided 6.0 contact hour training, your Reiki energy becomes activated. You learn self-healing and how to provide healing energy to family, friends, clients, colleagues, animals, pets, and plants. Multiple experiential sessions where you receive and share Reiki with three different partners 1:1 occur. Your intuitive awareness increases which facilitates enhancement of after-death communication experiences particularly with your deceased loved ones.
International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference
Inspired to Loving Action
August 30 - September 3rd, 2023
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel
300 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202

Come join me at the upcoming 2023 International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference held on the East Coast this year, in Arlington, VA, immediately before and during the Labor Day holiday weekend!
Over 140 speakers, dozens of presentations, panels, workshops, morning meditations, music, and creative artistic sessions are provided. Morning keynotes highlight each day. A marvelous bookstore and exhibitors share their information. This conference is presented in-person and also online!
I am delighted to be the Healing Coordinator managing over 20 healers providing 1 to 1 twenty minute healing sessions for a minimal cost, as a fund raiser for IANDS throughout conference; Thursday, August 31 through Sunday, September 3. Receive Reiki, mediumship readings, spiritual coaching, cranial sacral therapy, chiropractic services, psychic readings, and a host of additional healing modalities. Come visit the healing rooms on the 14th floor of the DoubleTree by Hilton Conference Hotel and schedule your healing time when conference first begins to receive your first choice healer!
On Friday, September 1, I’m honored to be available for a Speakers Lunch. Receive a delicious meal and ask me anything desired including my Spiritual Transformative Experience and Shared Death Experience that immediately changed my perspective about life. Feel free to ask about Reiki, after-death communication, and navigating the professional medical arena while understanding we are all connected and live eternal lives. It would be delightful to spend time together during lunch on Friday!
Saturday, September 2, come join myself, Moderator Rebecca Valla, MD, and Debbie James, RN and 2023 IANDS Conference Chairperson as we present a panel entitled: Ethical Action is an Act of Love. This interactive presentation explores how ethical behavior manifests love. Each panelist will explain their personal and professional commitment to supporting IANDS ethical standards. Feel free to bring your lunch and explore ethical behaviors with us!
Near-Death Experiences (NDE’s) are now considered a valid medical event. Come to this marvelous, empowering conference. Receive validating research and hear personal accounts of inspirational NDE’s as you become inspired to Loving Action! It would be great to see you at our upcoming IANDS Conference, held 5 minutes from Washington, DC!
American Occupational Therapy Association INSPIRE Annual Conference – In Person
“Reiki, A Biofield Energy Complementary Health Modality Used with OT”
Reiki Level I and Reiki Level II One Day, Certificate Provided Trainings!
Kansas City, Missouri
Reiki Level I Institute 015: Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Reiki Level II (two workshops): Thursday, April 20, 8-11:00 am (Workshop 110A) and 2:45-5:45 pm (Workshop 110B)

It’s wonderful being accepted again to present both Reiki Level I and Reiki Level II at the AOTA Kansas City, Missouri in-person Annual Conference in 2023. I’m thrilled to be the first person to present Reiki certificate provided courses at in-person AOTA Annual Conferences each year since 2015!
Come receive in-person training in Reiki Level I as a Pre-Conference Institute on Wednesday, April 19 from 12-6:30 pm. Discover how to use Reiki as part of your Occupational Therapy treatment for clients with pain, anxiety, stress, arthritis, hip and shoulder fractures and a variety of musculoskeletal issues. Activate your own healing energy in this one day Reiki training program designed specifically for OT practitioners, educators, and students. Share Reiki with multiple partners in a 1:1 in-person format. Use your Reiki skills immediately with clients following completion of this one day course. Receive a Reiki Level I certificate in Usui Reiki Natural Energy Healing at the completion of this empowering one day training program.
Attend two 3-hour workshops in Reiki Level II provided the day after Reiki Level I. Attendees must have a Reiki Level I certificate to enable attendance at this intermediate Reiki training course. Discover why Reiki works, learn long distance healing, and expand your skills with supplemental complementary modalities that work well with Reiki. Research, documentation, and techniques to provide Reiki in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, hospice, and pediatrics are explained. Practice giving and receiving Reiki with multiple 1:1 partners. Receive a Reiki Level II Usui Reiki Natural Energy Healing certificate after attending this exciting and validating intermediate Reiki 1-day training program. Must attend both workshops to receive your Reiki Level II certificate.
Experience the magical setting for Reiki training, held in a spa type environment that facilitates our natural energy healing skills.
IHOT Buttons and Stickers Available at the AOTA Inspire Annual Conference
Integrative Health in Occupational Therapy
I am delighted to distribute free IHOT Buttons and conference badge Stickers to wear during our AOTA Inspire Annual Conference!
You are welcome to meet me at any of these conference locations:
Tuesday, April 18: Loews Kansas City Conference Hotel; Loews Northland room from 2-6:30 pm as I set up the room for Reiki Level I
Wednesday, April 19: Loews Kansas City Conference Hotel; Loews Northland room from 6:30 – 8:00 pm as I set up the room for Reiki Level II
Thursday, April 20: Loews Kansas City Conference Hotel; Loews Northland room from 6:15 pm-7:30 pm as I take down the Reiki Level I and Level II display materials
Friday, April 21: AOTF Breakfast with a Scholar, 6:45-9:00 am; Loews Kansas City, Loews City Beautiful “D” Room
Friday, April 21: Presidential Address, 11:30-12:15 pm, Kansas City Convention Center, KCC, Halls AB
Friday, April 21: AOTPAC Donor Appreciation Lunch Reception, 12:15-2:00 pm; Loews Kansas City, Mermaid A&B
Saturday, April 22: International Breakfast, 9-10:30 am; Loews City Beautiful “AB”
Saturday, April 22: Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture, 11:15-12:30 pm; Kansas City Convention Center, KCC Halls “AB”
I will also be frequenting the Expo and the poster sessions. I look forward to seeing you at our
AOTA Inspire Conference! Wear your IHOT button and sticker proudly to promote Integrative
Health in Occupational Therapy!

Reiki Immersion Online,
Certificate Provided, 1-Day Classes
Reiki Level I~ Sat., March 25, 2023: 12-7:00 pm EST
Reiki Level II~ Sun., March 26, 2023: 12-7:00 pm EST
Reiki Master Level III~ Sat., April 1, 2023, 12-7:00 pm EST
(Reiki Master requires at least 6 months experience after receiving a Reiki Level II certificate from any Reiki Master and completion of a 1:1 interview with Rebecca to apply).
I’m excited to provide highly effective 1-day experiential Reiki training sessions online during the weekend in March/April 2023. Receive a certificate in Usui Reiki Natural Energy Healing. Learn how to self-heal and facilitate healing in others.

Reiki Level I activates your natural healing abilities. You receive and share Reiki with three different 1:1 partners by using break out rooms designed to enable this energy transfer.
Reiki Level II provides the explanation of “why” Reiki works along with additional supplemental modality trainings. Receive and share Reiki with three different partners using break out rooms that enhance natural energy healing transfer.
Gaining knowledge about Reiki Level I, followed immediately by Reiki Level II in the same weekend is the best way to experience Reiki, in Rebecca’s opinion.
Reiki Master, Level III training is for experienced Reiki practitioners, those with at least 6 months of practice after receiving a Reiki Level II certificate from any Reiki Master and completing a 1:1 interview with Rebecca. The Reiki Master Level III training involves advanced clinical instruction and multiple techniques designed to facilitate teaching Reiki including how to provide the Reiki attunement (activation) process.
Each Reiki Level course is approved for Occupational Therapy practitioners, educators, and students for 6.0 contact hours by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy.
Medical professionals and all others are encouraged to attend this one day transformational session of healing for yourself and family, friends, client’s, colleagues and even pets!
Attendees at Rebecca’s online LIVE After-Death Communication course receive discounted rates to attend Reiki Immersion Online. Reiki enhances communication with our deceased loved ones living beyond.
Come join the millions of people that have experienced Reiki’s healing benefits!
Boulder Bees and IANDS Boulder Chapter Meeting - Online
“Reiki, Synchronicities, and Spiritual Transformative Experiences”
Sunday, March 19, 2023
2-4:00 pm Mountain Time ~ 4-6:00 pm Eastern Time
I am thrilled to present how Reiki’s healing energy can assist ourselves and others along with enhancing after-death communication. Synchronicities flow when we follow our hearts, which can be facilitated by Reiki and other complementary modalities. A variety of Spiritual Transformative Experiences will be shared. Practical techniques designed to stimulate connectedness and oneness will be provided during this online presentation.

Follow Your Occupational Therapy Dreams: Online Presentation
Gannon University, Department of Occupational Therapy
Erie, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
1:00 – 2:15 pm Eastern Time
I LOVE sharing the versatility of OT with university students. Empowering people to follow their dreams has been the centerpiece of my 46 year career as an Occupational Therapist. I am honored to share my journey as an OT. I am looking forward to encouraging OT students to follow their hearts and fulfill their professional desires during this dynamic and engaging online presentation.
Contact: Nicole Lavery, Assistant Professor at Gannon University, Erie, PA: [email protected]

Discover Your Natural Healing Ability & Explore Afterlife Communication
FREE Live Online Webinar Repeat Encore: Saturday, March 4, 2023, 1-2:30 pm ET, 10-11:30 am PT
Learn 3 Keys of Reiki energy by attending this FREE Online training designed to empower you immediately.
Discover how to recognize and use your own healing vitality that is already available for you. Learn where your body holds energy that needs to be released. And, realize why Reiki, often called Unconditional LOVE, opens communication channels with your deceased loved ones.
Engage with Rebecca during the Q and A component following this insightful one hour FREE Live Reiki Works! training that has been provided to thousands.
A recording is available for all registrants if you are unable to attend.

Reiki Validates the Afterlife and Enhances After-Death Communication:
Online Presentation
International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS)
Northern Virginia Chapter
Sunday, February 26, 2023
2-3:30 pm Eastern Time
It’s an honor to present how Reiki’s healing energy raises our vibrational level so that we can communicate easier with loved ones living beyond the veil. I’m delighted to present this information to the Northern Virginia Chapter of IANDS especially since the IANDS Annual Conference is being held in Alexandria, Virginia from August 30 – September 3, 2023.
Lots of time for questions and answers will be available during this Zoom online presentation.

Enhancing After-Death Communication
with Reiki & Researched Afterlife Validation: Online Presentation
Vision of Light Church of Spiritualism & Healing,
Vershire, VT
Sunday, January 29, 2023
10-12:000 pm Eastern Time
Come join us as I share how Reiki enhances after-death communication. Discover multiple validations that the afterlife is real. Expand your awareness about the 2021 Bigelow Award Essay Contest that provided $1.8 million to 29 essayists who validated human consciousness is separate from bodily death.
Plenty of time will be available for questions, answers, and discussions. I am looking forward to returning to this delightful spiritual community filled with LOVE.
Contact: [email protected] to attend in-person or online

Schedule a Reiki Workshop
Contact Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA to make arrangements for a stimulating and engaging Reiki workshop!
Praise for Becky's Reiki Workshops

Attend a Course
Check Becky’s events page for her upcoming Reiki workshops.
Connect with Rebecca
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