Utilizing Reiki with OT and PT in Palliative Care and Hospice
FIRST Joint AOTA/APTA and APRA (American Palliative Rehabilitation Alliance) Webinar
On November 25, 2024, I was honored to share Reiki’s healing benefits at the FIRST Joint American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), and the newly formed American Palliative Rehabilitation Alliance (APRA) presentation.
Discover how Reiki, a natural energy healing complementary health modality, can be effectively incorporated within OT and PT palliative care. Reiki is a marvelous modality to ease pain, reduce suffering, and facilitate well-being for both the client and family members.
Receive medical and scientific justification and research supporting the use of Reiki’s integrative health principles. Learn why millions of people use Reiki to facilitate and enhance acceptance and well-being. Uncover the rationale for integrating Reiki into various medical and community-based palliative care and hospice settings.
Discover how to enable palliative care patients and their families to receive comfort and reduce emotional and physical pain while facilitating wellness.
I was delighted to share my 28 years of Reiki practice including multiple years with palliative care and hospice with this glorious new rehabilitation alliance.
Here is the recording link: https://youtu.be/AWDi9QA10DE
Life after Life NDE Video, 2024
I had a wonderful time sharing my Spiritual Transformative Experience and Shared Death Experience with Mia, Host of the Life after Life NDE (Near-Death Experience) Podcast.
Interview questions involved the meaning of life and what happens when we die. The power of LOVE is described along with thoughts regarding our current worldwide state of affairs. Suggestions for navigating life on earth are presented.
Mia has marvelous folks on her podcast, and I am honored to have been selected.
Here’s the YouTube link of my July 2024 conversation: https://youtu.be/wuv6Q-_wpCc?si=k7E-RFXaVpIFDJ0q
Interview with Kathy Mason and Rebecca Austill-Clausen
I was delighted to chat with Kathy Mason, President of Mason Works Marketing on Tuesday, August 15, 2023. We had a lovely conversation about Reiki, consciousness, and my Spiritual Transformative Experience where I discovered the ability to communicate with my deceased brother David, even though I had no psychic or spiritual awareness at the time. I described this life changing event in my award-winning book, Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life, available through Amazon.
We discussed the upcoming International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference in Arlington, VA from August 30 through September 3, 2023. I’m delighted to invite attendees to my 6.0 contact hour Reiki Level I certificate-provided IANDS Pre-Conference Workshop on August 30, 2023, approved by the American OT Association. And it’s great FUN being the Healing Coordinator at this large IANDS Conference, responsible for 26 healers providing multiple healing modalities to attendees. Hope to see you at the Annual IANDS Conference!
Using Reiki To Enhance Spirit Communications
You know of reiki for healing others. Reiki professionals are the people we go to for energy healing when we have an ailment.
Were you aware you can do reiki on yourself anytime to enhance your mental, spiritual, and physical health? Becky has documented proof from people she has trained that after they took her course, they had afterlife communications.
Review this video with Brian Smith of Grief2Growth.
Enhancing After-Death Communication
with Reiki & Researched Afterlife Validation
Vision of Light Church of Spiritualism & Healing
Becky shares how Reiki enhances after-death communication. Discover multiple validations that the afterlife is real. Expand your awareness about the 2021 Bigelow Award Essay Contest that provided $1.8 million to 29 essayists who validated human consciousness is separate from bodily death.
Tecumseh - A Marvelous Tree Communication Experience
Becky shares her fabulous communication with Tecumseh, a sequoia tree in California.
Helping Parents Heal
Rebecca “Becky” Austill-Clausen was delighted to share how Reiki Enhances After-Death Communication with the Helping Parents Heal organization on September 20, 2022.
Livestream on the Conscious Business Zone!
I am so excited to announce that on Tuesday, August 16th at 10:00 AM MT I participated in a livestream broadcast with Kathy Mason on her show Conscious Business Zone!
I’d LOVE if you were able to give this a look! Use this link to review the broadcast here:
Learn Reiki Healing in 1 Day with Rebecca Austill-Clausen.

View the Video:
Upcoming 2022 IANDS Conference
I am delighted to return to the International Association for Near-Death Studies Annual Conference to present Reiki, A Natural Energy Healing Modality that Enhances After-Death Communication.
Click the button below to enjoy a brief, two minute overview video on this year's conference. I hope to see you there!

The Portal to Ascension Online Conference: Psychology, Science & Evidence behind After-Death Communication and Near-Death Experiences
I had a wonderful time presenting Reiki’s amazing attributes at the Portal to Ascension Online Conference: Psychology, Science & Evidence behind After-Death Communication and Near-Death Experiences, produced by Neil Gaur on April 3, 2022. Reiki’s natural energy enhances our ability to receive and share messages with our loved ones living beyond, confirming the presence of an afterlife. Expand your awareness of life beyond. Enjoy the multiple validating experiences that showcase the incredible power of Reiki. Discover how you can learn Reiki in just one day!
April 3, 2022
A Profound STE and Healing Effects of Reiki with Rebecca Austill- Clausen
In this episode, Marla from Interviews with Innocence - talks with me about what has led me to pursue a spiritual path and the work I am doing to bring the healing modality of reiki into professional clinical settings.
Click here to view this interview.
February 17, 2022
Podcast: Interview with William Stillman and Rebecca Austill-Clausen
Psychic William Stillman is the internationally known, award-winning author of the Autism and the God Connection book trilogy that explores aspects of spiritual giftedness in many people with autism. These books encompass Autism and the God Connection, The Soul of Autism (translated in three languages to date), and The Autism Prophecies. His other books of the paranormal genre include The Secret Language of Spirit: Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday Lives and Conversations with Dogs: A Psychic Reveals What Our Canine Companions Have to Say (And How You Can Talk to Them Too).
Since 2004, Bill has worked professionally as a psychic and spiritual counselor. His accuracy in discerning the truth and making predictions that come to fruition has been acclaimed by his clients as truly extraordinary, and ranks at 90-98% accurate.
Rebecca Austill-Clausen is an Occupational Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, award-winning author, and inspirational speaker. She had no psychic or spiritual experience when she discovered her ability to communicate with her deceased brother. Becky struggled with how her spiritual awakening could mesh with the practical everyday world. After 20 years of spiritual exploration, Becky sold her large rehabilitation practice and her book Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life was published. Change Maker has received five national book awards. Becky teaches empowering After-Death Communication workshops and Reiki trainings worldwide. She provides individual coaching for those wishing to communicate with their deceased loved ones.
In this podcast, William, Rebecca and host Marla Hughes discuss the the big picture meaning of life and why we are here.
September 04, 2021
Of Sound Health
I am thrilled to describe the benefits of Reiki for Occupational Therapy practitioners, medical professionals and all others in this delightful “Of Sound Health” interview with Sabrina Castaneda. I describe how the discovery that I could communicate with my deceased brother David, even though I had no psychic or spiritual awareness, prompted me to learn Reiki for self-healing and expansion of my after-death communication skills.
April 19, 2021
Preview of The 3 Secrets to Communicating with Your Deceased Loved Ones
I was delighted to return to Brian Smith’s podcast on October 1, 2020 to speak about my upcoming FREE webinar: The 3 Secrets to Communicating with Your Deceased Loved Ones being held on Wednesday, October 7 at 2:00 pm EST.
Talking with Brian on October 1 was especially memorable as this was the 25th year anniversary of my brother David’s passage. I discovered the ability to communicate with my brother after he passed, even though I had no psychic or spiritual awareness.
Come join us for my FREE webinar that teaches anyone that we can all communicate with our deceased loved ones.
October 2, 2020
Transmuting Pain and Fear with Rebecca Austill-Clausen
From the podcast “Conversations with Roland” hosted by Roland Achenjang. The goal of his podcast is to help you learn life’s secrets through diverse experiences. I had a glorious time talking with the delightful Roland Achenjang on July 19, 2020.
July 27th, 2020
Meditation with Ametrine Crystal Singing Bowls
Enjoy the beautiful healing sounds of ametrine crystal singing bowls. Experience the meditative peace that comes from listening to Rebecca Austill-Clausen, Reiki Master Teacher, Occupational Therapist, and the award-winning author of Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life play these seven vibrational tones that relax your soul.
May 22nd, 2020
Preview of The 3 Secrets to Communicating with Your Deceased Loved Ones
It was terrific to spend some time with my friend Donna Seebo. On her awesome podcast I talk about my book Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life and my discovery that I can communicate with my deceased brother even though I had no psychic or spiritual experience.
July, 2020
Meditation with Freenotes Sound Healing Instrument
Relax with a short meditation video while listening to the gentle soothing sounds of Freenotes vibrational instrument played by Rebecca Austill-Clausen, Reiki Master Teacher, Occupational Therapist, and the award-winning author of Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life.
May 16th, 2020
NDE Radio with Lee Witting
I LOVED being interviewed by Lee Witting about my Spiritually Transformative Experiences. It was a pleasure sharing my after-death communication experiences with my deceased brother and how it has changed my life.
June 03, 2019

Interview with Brian Smith, Grief 2 Growth
Loved interviewing with Brian Smith, Grief 2 Growth Life Coach. We discuss how my brother’s death opened up a variety of avenues for spiritual growth. Common signs of after-death communication are described.
March 3rd, 2020
Interview with Elsie Kerns
Delightful interview with Elsie Kerns as Rebecca Austill-Clausen describes her workshop with the renowned psychic medium William Stillman.
March 1st, 2020
Fellowship of the Inner Light Presentation
Fellowship of the Inner Light. Joy in Worship Service – Sunday Speaker.
November 17th, 2019
Behind the Lines TV Interview with Diane Dayton
TV Interview by Diane Dayton with author Rebecca Austill-Clausen regarding the courage it took to share her after-death communication experiences, teaching others how to receive after-death communications, and how to meld medical services with spirituality.
December 23rd, 2017
Let’s Meet Rebecca Austill-Clausen
Discover how Rebecca Austill-Clausen gained the courage to publish her after-death communication experiences in this short 3.5-minute video.
January 26th, 2017
Schedule Meditation Plus
Contact Rebecca Austill-Clausen, Reiki Master Teacher and music lover, to schedule this unique Meditation Plus experience.
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