Natural Living Expo, Marlborough, MA –
in person event
Saturday, November 13, 9-6:00 pm EST
Sunday, November 14, 9:30-5:30 pm EST
Booth #1118
“Increase Your After-Death Communication Skills”
Sunday, November 14, 2:30-3:30 pm EST

I am delighted to return to New England’s largest holistic expo in Marlborough, Massachusetts. My one hour presentation on increasing after-death communication skills will be presented LIVE and in-person on Sunday afternoon from 2:30-3:30 pm, November 14th. Come visit my booth, and peruse my award-winning book: Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life. Receive a personalized signed copy of Change Makerand surround yourself with LOVE.
Discover my online, weekend provided, one day certificate classes in Reiki Level I, Reiki Level II, and Reiki Master Level III (Reiki Master requires at least 6 months of experience after receiving Reiki Level II from any Reiki Master, and a 1:1 interview to apply).
Receive information about my empowering online After-Death Communication, Discover Unique Skills to Continue Your Connection with Your Deceased Loved Ones course. Learn to receive and share contact with your loved ones living beyond.
I look forward to seeing you in Marlborough, MA for the very well organized and delightful 14th Annual Natural Living Expo!
7 Week LIVE Online After-Death Communication Course
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 2-3:30 PM EDT
Presented by Rebecca Austill-Clausen M.S.
100% of the respondents in a 2020 post After-Death Communication course survey said they believe they can receive and share communication with their deceased loved ones.
Start date: October 19, 2021
I am excited to present my 7 Week LIVE online After-Death Communication course to a worldwide audience beginning mid-October.

I had no psychic or spiritual experience upon discovering the ability to communicate with my deceased brother. There is nothing special about me that allows the wonderful healing that occurs when we receive contact, signs, and signals from our loved ones in the afterlife. It took me 20 years to find the courage to share this journey. If I can communicate with my deceased loved ones, so can YOU!
Helping Parents Heal ~ San Francisco Chapter
“After-Death Communication is Possible for YOU!”
Sunday, October 17, 2021 from 10-12 pm Pacific/1-3:00 pm Eastern ~ online
To attend, contact: [email protected]
I LOVE the support that Helping Parents Heal provides to its community. I have enjoyed speaking to the national HPH group multiple times and am delighted to share after-death communication techniques with the San Francisco chapter. Come attend this empowering session of LOVE. Receive unconditional support while grieving the passage of your child or loved one living beyond.

Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association State Conference
Friday, October 15-Saturday, October 16, 2021
To attend, register:
Attending POTA’s Annual State Conference is always a highlight for me. I look forward to this event with great pleasure.

Questions and Answers
for 7-week LIVE After-Death Communication Course
Tuesday, October 12 from 2-3:30 pm EST
To attend, contact: [email protected]
Come join us and ask me anything you desire about my upcoming 7-week LIVE After-Death Communication course which begins Tuesday, October 19 from 2-3:30 pm EST through Tuesday, November 30, 2-3:30 pm EST. All sessions are recorded so you never need to worry about missing a session.
Click HERE for Information and Registration for After-Death Communication, Discover Unique Skills to Continue Your Connection with Your Deceased Loved Ones.

Complementary Modalities, Spirituality, Reiki, and OT
October 11, 2021
I am thrilled to return to Temple University, Department of Occupational Therapy to teach a marvelous compilation of subjects. Reiki, a complementary health biofield energy modality has been included in OT’s occupation-based treatment since 2005. Reiki is often described as unconditional love and is also a practical example of spirituality. It’s a real treat to share the use of complementary health modalities with this delightful OT program.

Vision of Light Church of Spiritualism and Healing, Vermont
“Blending the Afterlife Into Our Daily Existence"
Sunday, October 10, 2021 ~ 10:00 am EST ~ online
To attend, contact: [email protected]
I am honored to return to this loving community and speak about techniques that blend awareness of the afterlife into our daily lives. The sense of connectedness and oneness that surrounds us can be accessed in a variety of ways. Gain emotional healing and strength by incorporating the afterlife into your day to day journey.
Come join us at 9:45 am for “coffee time.” Participate in the morning’s events and receive healing from a number of magnificent healers that regularly attend this marvelous group.

ENCORE: Free Online Webinar
The 3 Secrets to Communicating With Your Deceased Loved Ones
Saturday, October 2, 2021 2 - 3:30 PM EST
Location: Online
I am so excited to present my free webinar teaching people how to continue contact with their deceased loved ones living in the afterlife.
I discovered the ability to communicate with my 37 year old brother David six weeks after he died in 1995 even though I had no psychic or spiritual awareness. Seeing my brother again along with my deceased grandparents and friends that had passed was the most profound moment of my life.
It took me 20 years to find the courage to share this story. Multiple times I thought I was losing my mind yet this experience felt right. It made sense to me. I quietly explored the afterlife, read hundreds of books, attended dozens of workshops, and became skilled at teaching after-death communication techniques.
Come join me as I share my thoughts and teach YOU that we do not die. We live forever. And, we can have a continuing relationship with our loved ones living beyond the veil.
Lots of time for questions and answers during this enlightening 90 minute presentation on the afterlife!
FREE Online Webinar: The 3 Secrets to Communicating With Your Deceased Loved Ones
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 2 - 3:30 PM EST

Location: Online
I am so excited to present my free webinar teaching people how to continue contact with their deceased loved ones living in the afterlife.
I discovered the ability to communicate with my 37 year old brother David six weeks after he died in 1995 even though I had no psychic or spiritual awareness. Seeing my brother again along with my deceased grandparents and friends that had passed was the most profound moment of my life.
It took me 20 years to find the courage to share this story. Multiple times I thought I was losing my mind yet this experience felt right. It made sense to me. I quietly explored the afterlife, read hundreds of books, attended dozens of workshops, and became skilled at teaching after-death communication techniques.
Come join me as I share my thoughts and teach YOU that we do not die. We live forever. And, we can have a continuing relationship with our loved ones living beyond the veil.
Lots of time for questions and answers during this enlightening 90 minute presentation on the afterlife!
Reiki Level I Certification Course,
at The International Association for Near Death Studies
40th Anniversary Celebration Conference!
September 1-5, 2021
I am thrilled to present a one day Reiki certification course at the 40th anniversary celebration of the International Association for Near Death Studies on September 1, 2021!
Reiki enhances our natural healing energy and also facilitates after death communication.
This course is approved for 6.0 contact hours by the National Board of Certification for Occupational Therapy. It is an appropriate course for all medical professionals and anyone interested in expanding your own natural healing energy for yourself and your clients, family, friends, colleagues, pets, and even plants.
Come join us for a wonderful celebration from September 1-September 5, 2021. Over 70 presenters, 2 film premiers, 16 workshops, and dozens of enlightening presentations are occurring.
It would be GREAT to see you on September 1 for the Reiki Level I Certification Course!
View the IANDS Conference and Register for Reiki and/or the conference here:

International New Age Trade Show and Coalition of Visionary Resources,
Denver, CO
June 11-13, 2021
As an award-winning author, I enjoy attending both the International New Age Trade Show and the Coalition of Visionary Resources gathering that occurs simultaneously. I always look forward to the excellent networking and promotional opportunities that these events provide.

A POTA Namaste Holistic Support Group
Guest Speaker: Deanna Waggy, OTR, MSA presenting “Acupressure for OT’s”
May 20, 2021
It is great FUN co-leading this wonderful Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Namaste Support Group. Learn from a 35+ year holistic OT how to use acupressure to reduce pain and anxiety while providing relaxation to enhance occupational performance. Discover techniques to relax yourself with a self-administrated acupressure protocol.
Register at Obtain 1.5 contact hours for OT continuing education. Look for the calendar Namaste, May 20 section on the POTA website home page. Join us for an enlightening evening of pleasure and comradery.

How to Increase Your Reach and Income with Online Courses
Wednesday, May 19 at 2:00 Eastern ~ 11:00 Pacifics
I am delighted to co-present how to create transformational online courses with Chris Kyle, founder of Launch Academy.
During the pandemic, I moved my in-person courses to an online format. I used Chris Kyle’s masterful plan with great success.
Come join Chris and myself as you learn how to provide successful income producing courses with proven techniques that work.
And if you are unable to attend this FREE session, sign up anyway to receive the recording!
Sign up HERE:
I hope to see you soon!

Temple University: The Business of Occupational Therapy is Exciting!
May 17, 2021
I am delighted to be a guest lecturer for Temple University, Department of Occupational Therapy.
I’ve founded five successful businesses including one that I owned for 32 years that grew from a one person operation to a staff of 375 OT, PT, and Speech Language practitioners and support staff, servicing 13,000 clients a year. I thoroughly enjoy sharing the joys of following your heart while including sound business practices to manage and grow your business.

POTA Namaste Holistic Support Group
Guest Speaker: Jen Vogtmann, OTD, OTR/L presenting “Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction ‘The Work:’ Thinking about Self-Care and Professional Practice”
April 15, 7-8:30 pm EST
I love co-leading this marvelous Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Namaste Support Group. Come join us as we learn how our thoughts can facilitate meditative understanding. Dr. Jen Vogtmann shares her wisdom and practical techniques designed to enhance our ability to redesign our life and reduce stress.
Register at Obtain 1.5 contact hours for OT continuing education. Look for the calendar Namaste, April 15 section on the POTA website home page. Join us for an enlightening evening of pleasure and comradery.

Sound and Energy Healing
April 14-17, 2021, 7-8:00 pm EST
American Occupational Therapy Annual Conference
Come join me for a Wellness Wednesday relaxing sound and energy vibrational session where I showcase three “easy-to-play” sound healing instruments. Refresh yourself with a guided meditative journey. Discover inner resources for self-care while enjoying new ways to reduce stress and anxiety for your clients.
I LOVE attending, presenting, and networking at AOTA Annual Conference. I’ve been a member for almost 50 years. WOW!
Register for the AOTA INSPIRE Conference here: AOTA 2021
Download the “Crowd Compass” mobile event app from the App Store to enhance your scheduling pleasure.

My Spiritual Transformative Experiences Lead to After-Death Communication Joy
April 14, 2021, 7-9:00 pm Pacific Time
International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS) Santa Barbara
I had no psychic or spiritual awareness when I discovered the ability to communicate with my deceased brother David. It took me 20 years to find the courage to share this journey of enlightenment. Explorations into meditation, Reiki, shamanic journeying, automatic writing, spirit guides, and crystalline energy opened my heart to the amazing treasures of earthly existence. I discovered how LOVE is the strongest and most powerful emotion of all.
Join me in my deep dive into after-death communication experiences and techniques that can be learned by all.
Contact IANDS Santa Barbara for further information.

Incorporating Reiki Instruction, A Complementary & Integrative Health Biofield Energy Modality into OT Education
April 12, 2021, 5-6:00 pm EST
American Occupational Therapy Annual Conference
Discover why Reiki, a natural energy healing complementary health modality is appropriate to include in OT educational training. Join thousands of OT practitioners, educators, and students who use this easy-to-learn modality as part of their occupation-based treatment. OT students can learn to reduce pain, stress, and anxiety for their clients and themselves while increasing a sense of well-being with just one day of Reiki training.
I’ve been delighted to teach certificate provided Reiki courses, approved by NBCOT for five years at AOTA Annual Conference.
Register for the AOTA INSPIRE Conference here: AOTA 2021
Download the “Crowd Compass” mobile event app from the App Store to enhance your scheduling pleasure.

Reiki Immersion Online!
A Weekend of One-Day Certificate Courses in Reiki
FREE Reiki Webinar ENCORE - Saturday, February 20, 2021, 1-2:30pm EST:
One-Day Certificate Courses in Reiki:
Reiki Level I – Saturday, March 13, 2021
Reiki Level II – Sunday, March 14, 2021
Reiki Master Level III – Saturday, March 20, 2021

Complementary Health Works, Inc.
I am thrilled to offer two weekends of one day Reiki training programs for OT, PT, medical professionals and all others. This course is appropriate for everyone interested in learning how to use your body’s natural healing energy to help heal yourself and others. Students, practitioners, and faculty are welcome to attend.
I’ve been teaching Reiki for over 15 years. During this pandemic I have provided highly successful Reiki treatment and training sessions using the Zoom platform. I am delighted to now offer this worldwide training online. Breakout rooms will be used extensively to provide a variety of energy sharing and receiving experiences.
Reiki, A Natural Healing and Complementary Health Biofield Energy Modality, Level I is offered on Saturday, March 13, 2021.
Reiki history, philosophy and principles, ethical use, chakras, auras, documentation, and research that supports the use of Reiki both for ourselves and others is presented. Attunement to Reiki energy occurs followed by extensive experiential training that includes giving, receiving, and sharing Reiki energy with multiple partners. A variety of sound healing experiences accompany this training.
Attendees are able to provide Reiki to themselves, family, friends, colleagues, plants, and animals after attending this one-daycertificate provided course.
A Reiki, Natural Healing Modality, Level I certificate in Usui Reiki Ryoho will be received after the completion of this empowering 6.0 contact hour workshop.
Reiki, A Natural Healing and Complementary Health Biofield Energy Modality, Level II is presented on Sunday, March 14, 2021.
Attendees must have received Reiki Level I training from any Reiki Master in order to attend this dynamic workshop. Receiving Reiki Level I and Level II training during the same weekend is the ideal way to learn Reiki.
Participants learn why and how Reiki healing occurs. Understanding how to use Reiki symbology, energy medicine, and vibrational explorations using multiple sound healing experiences occurs. Various hand positions that facilitate healing and current research are presented. Experience the energy of numerous crystals that enhance Reiki energy. Long-distance healing and extensive experiential practice with numerous partners synthesize Reiki Level I and Level II experiences.
A Usui Reiki Ryoho Level II certificate in Natural Healing will be received at the conclusion of Reiki Level II, 6.0 contact hours.
Reiki Master training in Reiki, A Natural Healing and Complementary Health Biofield Energy Modality, Level III is offered on Saturday, March 20, 2021.
Attendees are required to have used Reiki for at least 6 months and received a certificate in both Reiki Level I and Reiki Level II from any Reiki Master before applying for this Reiki Master certificate program. An online interview with the presenter, Rebecca Austill-Clausen, is required prior to being accepted for this advanced Reiki Master training.
Attunement to Reiki Master energy occurs along with instruction on how to attune and train Reiki Level I and Level II participants. This Reiki Master course will cover advanced healing techniques, sound healing, pendulum use, differentiating between Reiki and other biofield energy modalities, and the exploration of oneness and the connectedness to all life. An exploration of research avenues will be provided.
Suggested educational training materials, course outlines, marketing plans, business development concepts for designing Reiki programs in medical and community-based settings, and revenue streams that enable the newly certified Reiki Master to provide their own Reiki training are discussed. Incorporating additional modalities into Reiki training along with ethical and cultural use is presented. Experiential practice with multiple partners consolidating all information learned in Reiki Level I, Level II and Level III occurs.
A Reiki Master Level III certificate in Usui Reiki Ryoho for 6.0 contact hours is received during a lovely closing ceremony.
Each class is approved for 6.0 hours of Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Continuing Education Credit.
Contact Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA, Reiki Master Teacher at Complementary Health Works for further information about these empowering Reiki courses.
Guided Meditation Journey for our New Year
January 8, 2021, 11:00 am EST
I am delighted to return to the International Spiritual Book Club hosted by Sarah Deverell. I’ll be providing a guided meditative shamanic journey designed to bring joy, comfort, and illumination for a positive and productive new year. This members-only gathering provides monthly book club meetings and regular meditation sessions.

Schedule a Reiki Workshop
Contact Rebecca Austill-Clausen, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA to make arrangements for a stimulating and engaging Reiki workshop!
Praise for Becky's Reiki Workshops

Attend a Course
Check Becky’s events page for her upcoming Reiki workshops.
Connect with Rebecca
Sign up for Rebecca's Newsletter:
We never share your information.